
The California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology is now authorized to accept applications for licenses containing an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) in lieu of a Social Security Number (SSN). For information on obtaining an ITIN contact the IRS at 1–800–829–1040 or visit the IRS ITIN webpage. (Spanish) (Korean) (Vietnamese).

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please view our FAQs.

Effective January 1, 2022, the practical exam is no longer required for all license types. Candidates only need to pass the written exam to become licensed. Once an examination application is approved by the Board, a PSI handbook will be sent to the candidate. The candidate will schedule the written exam at a time and PSI location of their choice.

The exam is available in English, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Simplified Chinese. Please note: the exam is translated into the most universal or neutral version of each language to be acceptable to the widest possible audience. If a candidate cannot read, speak, or write in English at a 10th grade–level and the examination is not available in their native language, the candidate may request approval to use an interpreter for one or both parts of the examination. Please refer to application interpreter instructions for more information.

The number of questions and time allowed for the examinations vary per license type:

  • Barber: 85 scored questions, 10 pretest, 120 minutes to complete.
  • Cosmetologist: 100 score questions, 10 pretest, 120 minutes to complete.
  • Esthetician: 75 scored questions, 10 pretest, 90 minutes to complete.
  • Electrologist: 50 scored questions, 10 pretest, 90 minutes to complete.
  • Manicurist: 60 scored questions, 10 pretest, 90 minutes to complete.
  • Hairstylist: 50 scored questions, 10 pretest, 90 minutes to complete.

Effective July 1, 2022, the Board began offering the national examination developed by PSI services for all license types. The processes used to develop these examinations have been reviewed by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Office of Professional Examination Services and the examinations have been deemed valid for use in California.

Under the direction of PSI psychometricians, the examinations have been developed by licensed professionals who are subject matter experts in Cosmetology, Barbering, Manicuring, Esthetics and Electrology. Each examination content outline identifies practice areas of importance to licensees critical for providing services to the public in a safe and competent manner.

California Candidate Information Bulletins (CIB)

Provided in the links below are the examination bulletins which include the content outline for each examination as well as the reference materials used for examination development:

Prior to licensing examination, applicant must complete a certain number of hours at an approved school.

  • Barber – 1,000 Hours Required
  • Cosmetology – 1,000 Hours Required
  • Electrologist – 600 Hours Required
  • Esthetician – 600 Hours Required
  • Hairstylist – 600 Hours Required
  • Manicurist – 400 Hours Required

Once the applicant has completed the required number of hours, the applicant will apply to take the licensing examination. When applying to take the licensing examination, please provide the following forms.

  • Examination Application
  • Proof of Training (POT) Documentation
  • Application Fee

Click here for the Examination Applications!

Applicants can mail the required forms to the Board's mailing address or submit the required forms online through BreEZe.

Board's Mailing Address
Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
PO Box 944226
Sacramento, CA 94244–2260

Need to Re–Take the Examination?

Please submit the Re–Examination Application and application fee. Once the r–examination application is approved, applicant will be notified via email or mail to schedule the exam date. Applicant will self–schedule through PSI to take the exam.

Applicants may apply and take the licensing examination as often as needed. There are no restrictions for the number of times the applicants can take the application, but the re–examination application and fee are required for each attempt.

Professional License Portability and State Registration for Servicemembers and their Spouses

The federal Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) authorizes service members or their spouses who currently hold a valid license in good standing in another state, district, or territory to practice in California within the same profession or vocation, if they relocate to California because of military orders. For individuals who desire to practice in California under the terms of the SCRA, please visit the DCA webpage.

On January 1, 2013, AB 1588 went into effect, which allows the Board to waive the renewal fees for a licensee if the licensee is serving on active duty in the Armed Forces or the California National Guard. Please use the following forms when making your request:

Armed Forces Personnel Application for Exemption from Payment of Renewal Fees

Application to Restore License to Active Status

On January 1, 2013, AB 1904 went into effect, which allows the Board to expedite the Reciprocity licensure process for spouses and domestic partners of those on active duty in the Armed Forces. On July 1, 2022, SB 607 went into effect, which allows the Board to waive the Reciprocity Application and license fee for spouses or domestic partners of those on active duty in the Armed Forces (and continue to expedite their Reciprocity licensure process). Please use the following form when making your request:

Application for Reciprocity and Initial License Fee

Click here for more Military Information!

Review the information below to determine how to receive a California license.

1. What types of schools do the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (Board) approve?

If your training was completed in a different state and you did not receive a license, the California Board will determine your eligibility. The Board does not accept Apprentice hours. The California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology requires the following school hours, depending on your license type:

  • Barber – 1,000 Hours Required
  • Cosmetology – 1,000 Hours Required
  • Electrologist – 600 Hours Required
  • Esthetician – 600 Hours Required
  • Hairstylist – 600 Hours Required
  • Manicurist – 400 Hours Required
  1. Submit the Initial Exam Application along with the Out of State Applicant School Training Form B. Form B must be completed by the school you attended out of state. You must also sign and date the completed Form B. Submit the Initial Exam Application and Form B at the same time.
  2. The Board will review your Application and Form B to determine if you have enough hours to qualify for the exam or if you will need to complete additional school hours. The Board will send you a deficiency letter if you need to complete additional hours. You may complete the additional hours in the state you are currently residing or at a Board approved California school.
  3. A Proof of Training from the Board approved California school or a second Out of State/Out of Country School Training Record – Form B must be submitted to the California Board once the additional hours are completed.
  4. After your application is approved, you will receive the PSI handbook to schedule the written exam at a time or location of your choice.
  5. The Board has information about the exam on our web site. We recommend that you review this information prior to your exam.
  6. Candidates who pass the exam will be issued a license on the day of their exam.

2. I have an out of state license, do I qualify for reciprocity? What is reciprocity?

The Board issues out of state licensees a California license through reciprocity without taking the California written exam, if they submit the following:

  1. A complete Reciprocity Application and all fees required by the California Board.
  2. Proof of a current license issued by another state to practice that meets all of the following requirements:
    1. It is not revoked, suspended, or otherwise restricted.
    2. It is in good standing.

3. My license from another state is expired. Do I still qualify for reciprocity?

No, you must have a current license to qualify.

4. How do I submit proof of my out of state licensure to qualify for reciprocity?

The Board requires the state where you hold your license to submit a certification of your license to us. There is usually a fee associated with this. Please check with the state where you hold a current license. Florida Full, Facial, and Nail Specialist licenses do not qualify for reciprocity.

5. What is Form B (Out of State Applicant School Training Record) for?

The Out of State Applicant School Training Form B completed by your school certifies your training hours and is used by the Board to determine if you have enough hours to qualify for the exam.

6. If I do not have enough hours to qualify for the exam, can I use my experience as a licensed person in my current state?

Yes, attach a completed Affidavit of Experience Form C to your application. Every 3 full months you worked as a licensed person in your state is equal to 100 hours to be applied toward your training hours.

7. How do I apply for licensure in California if I am licensed in another country?
  1. Submit a completed Initial Examination Application with the required fee to the Board at the address listed at the top of the application along with documents related to your foreign training and experience. For school training submit: certificates, diplomas, transcripts with a course breakdown of hours for each course, and school training record (Form B). For work experience submit: employment contracts, tax records and bank statements showing income from working in a salon, paystubs, letters from employers detailing the dates you worked and services performed, and an Affidavit of Experience (Form C) for each location worked. The documents must show the length of time worked and the work experience must be after your graduation date from the training in your profession and be in the country where you completed your training. Submit your documents in the native language and include certified translations.
  2. If necessary, the Board will request additional information to verify the education you received meets the Board's requirements.
  3. Once your application is approved, you will receive the PSI handbook to schedule the written exam at a time or location of your choice.
  4. The Board has information about the exam on our web site. We recommend that you review this information prior to your exam.
  5. Candidates who pass the exam will be issued a license on the day of their exam.

8. I am licensed in California and moving to another state. How do I transfer my license?

    Contact the licensing agency of the state you are moving to for licensing requirements. All states have different requirements.

    You may need to request a Certification of Licensure from the Board. You can request a Certification online through BreEZe or through the mail. Certifications submitted online generally take 2 to 4 weeks to be processed, emailed, and received by the other state. Certification requests submitted through the mail generally take 4 to 6 weeks to be processed, emailed, and received by the other state board. The fee is $10.00 for each certification requested. The Board will send one certification of licensure directly to the state indicated. All certifications indicate the following information: name, address, date of birth, whether an examination was taken, or the license was issued through reciprocity, type of exam taken, the license number, and the issue and expiration date of the license.

    The Board does not retain school transcripts of your school hours. If the state you are moving to requires transcripts, you must obtain these from the school you attended.